August is National Catfish Month!

Summer time at the Lake of the Ozarks is filled with many different activities—boating, swimming, tubing, skiing and for many people, fishing. August is National Catfish Month and what better way to celebrate this national month than fishing for some catfish? If you want to fish at the Lake of the Ozarks, but don’t have a boat, no need to worry! You can count on Freedom Boat Club for hassle free boating. This week, in honor of National Catfish month, the best boat club at the Lake of the Ozarks will be discussing fishing for catfish at the lake.

Fishing at the Lake 

Many of Missouri’s bodies of water are home to catfish. According to, the Lake of the Ozarks covers over 54,000 acres of land and has more shoreline than the state of California, so it’s no surprise that this body of water is a fishing hot spot. The lake holds fishing tournaments year round for serious fishers, but it's also a great place for recreational fishers. The lake can get busy during the day on weekends, so if you’re looking for some uninterrupted fishing time, consider heading out during the week or in the early morning or late afternoon if you are fishing on the weekends.   

Catfish Fishing Tips

The Blue, Channel and Flathead Catfish can all commonly be found in freshwater around the state (including the Lake of the Ozarks). Catfish normally hide under rocks and logs in the water during the day and then at night, they come out from hiding to eat. Most fish are very active during the summer and fall months, so August is a great time of the year to head to the lake to fish. Keep on an eye on the weather forecast to catch those mild summer days (usually
towards the end of the month) for prime fishing.

Your fishing technique should depend on what type of catfish you would like to catch. Blue catfish are very common at the lake and can be caught year-round. If you’re looking to catch one of these fish, try to cast a decent distance from the shoreline and let your bait dangle at least several feet from the bottom of the lake. Blue catfish like to swim in open water, so fishing in the middle of a cove or even in the main channel of the lake would be a good place to catch them. If you would like to catch a Flathead catfish, use live bait and fish in areas that provide some type of cover for the fish like large rock or woody cover. For channel catfish, focus on dense cover near the shore like drift piles.

Hassle-Free Boating

If you’re interested in recreational fishing, you may not want to purchase a boat purely for fishing. Joining Freedom Boat Club is a great way to have access to a fleet of a variety of boats including bow riders, deck boats and tritoons, so you can venture out to the best fishing spots anytime you want. Membership to the Freedom Boat Club guarantees boat availability whenever you want to use one of our boats on the lake. There are also two convenient locations at the 19 mile marker and 2 mile marker. Not only does this membership get you access to a fleet of boats at the Lake of the Ozarks, you also have access to boats at more than 175 locations throughout the nation. 

A Freedom Boat Club membership is half the cost of buying a single boat and you don’t have to worry about taking care of costs like boat insurance, maintenance or repair. With a club membership, you can enjoy all the perks of owning a boat while ditching the hassles that come along with boat ownership. Call us today at 573-302-0392 to schedule a tour of the boat club at the Lake of the Ozarks

We Do All The Work. You Have All The Fun.

873 Crow Ln. Ste. B5
Osage Beach, MO 65065


Bridgeview Marina 19MM

NEW 2nd Location
1062 Susan Rd.
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

Osage Villa Resort 2MM



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