3 Tips for Boating Safely with Kiddos

How amazing is it to see your kiddos faces LIGHT UP when they having the time of their lives on a boat!? Seeing that is just TOO HEARTWARMING to pass up in life! Make the time to take your kids boating and if you would like to do so for HALF the cost of boat ownership, you should check out Freedom Boat Club! Our boat club at the Lake of the Ozarks specializes in hassle-free boating. You can go boating with your kiddos at an affordable cost without all of the fuss, meaning cleaning the boat, hassling over boat insurance, worrying about boat slip costs - we take care of all of that for you! We do all the work, you have all of the fun! This is the way it should be! For more information on how to become a member at Freedom Boat Club, visit www.FreedomBoatClubLOTO.com. In the meantime, keep reading for 3 tips for boating safely with kiddos.

  • There's nothing worse than being out in the middle of the lake with a hungry child.  
  • It's important that you bring enough healthy treats for your kids while out on the Lake so they can stay energized and happy. 
  • Don't forget to bring plenty of water for your children to drink while out on the Lake. 
  • Be sure to stock your cooler with plenty of ice before you leave the dock.

  • No matter what age your child is, whether they are an infant or a 5-year-old, make sure their lifejacket fits correctly. 
  • To determine if it fits right, have your kid raise both arms straight up - if the life jacket touches their chin or ears, then it's probably too big.

  • If you are boating at the Lake of the Ozarks, it's a good idea to teach your children to swim yourself or have a swimming instructor do so. 
  • Two resources at the Lake for you to check into if you are interested in swim lessons for your child are Camdenton Aquatic Center and Westlake Aquatic Center.

All of us here at Freedom Boat Club at the Lake of the Ozarks hope you found these tips for boating safely with your kiddos enlightening. We want you all to have fun out there on the water, but above all we want you to be safe! Safety should be your top priority and we want the best for you and your kiddos. For safe boating tips and a tour of our fantastic boat club at the Lake of the Ozarks, give us a call. We can be reached at 573-302-0392. For more information on Freedom Boat Club, visit www.FreedomBoatClubLOTO.com.

We Do All The Work. You Have All The Fun.

873 Crow Ln. Ste. B5
Osage Beach, MO 65065


Bridgeview Marina 19MM

NEW 2nd Location
1062 Susan Rd.
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

Osage Villa Resort 2MM




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