What's Freedom Boat Club Membership Really Like?

Who doesn't love boating on the Lake of the Ozarks? Boating is a privilege and one of the best activities you can do to relax. However, boat ownership isn't necessarily for everyone. This is why Freedom Boat Club offers memberships. Our boat club memberships at the Lake of the Ozarks give people the chance to enjoy hassle-free boating for half the cost of owning a boat, but what's a Freedom Boat Club membership really like? Keep reading to learn the answer to that very question.

Discover A Membership Program that Delivers Your Perfect Escape!

Freedom Boat Club - Freedom to boat is at the very core of Freedom Boat Club!

The great news is that we offer a variety of membership plans to fit your unique boating needs. Whether your interest is in a seasonal program (southern markets), year ‘round boating or one of many options in between including our popular friends ‘n family option, we have programs and budgets to fit your lifestyle.

Everyone who joins the Club enjoys unlimited access to your home fleet. Reservations are made using our proprietary, member-friendly online reservation system.

Like to boat on vacation or business? Year ‘round club members enjoy privileges at every Freedom Boat Club in the USA! No other club has the size and scope of club locations and reciprocal benefits that Freedom Boat Club offers.

And remember – no matter which membership option you choose, you receive professional, on-the-water training to make you an educated, safe and confident boater.

Because we have so many diverse locations across the U.S. with different seasons and usage demands, the offerings may vary in terms of seasonality and related rates. Your local membership executive in the market of your choice will be very happy to review the specific membership opportunities available.

This is a fantastic boating opportunity, but don't just take it from us. Check out the kind words below from one of our members:

AMAZING service at this Freedom Boat Club!
Thanks for the best reciprocal boat privilege yet, for the 2nd year in a row! Chef Mary really made our trip to Lake of the Ozarks a fantastic trip. We've been to several locations but no one stacks up to the ideal owners of this club, Chef Mary, and Jim. They keep the boats in pristine condition, provide Excellent service, and even equip the boats with float mats & saddles for the family to enjoy. I can't speak highly enough of Mary and only wish my ownership was at their locations. Warm smiles and sincere desire to make your day enjoyable is what they're all about. Thank you, Thank you and God Bless You!! So happy to have met sincerely good people. - Boom Mancini

For more information, a Freedom Boat Club membership, give us a call at (573) 302-0392 today.

873 Crow Ln. Ste. B5
Osage Beach, MO 65065


Bridgeview Marina 19MM

NEW 2nd Location
1062 Susan Rd.
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

Osage Villa Resort 2MM



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